Fleetwood - Minor & Major Works at Yangibana

Tremor carried out a number of road construction projects for Fleetwood and Hastings at the Hastings Yangibana Mine Site located circa 450 kms North East of Carnarvon. Roads were both restored and in some instances constructed over virgin land. Roads built by Tremor included the Mine Access road which was circa 15 kms in length and included a river causeway construction and numerous culverts.
Additionally, Tremor carried out maintenance works over the Yangibana Track to maintain access to the mine site
throughout the construction phase. Machines were hired to site on both a wet and dry hire basis. Examples of machines supplied included graders, water carts, water towers, side tippers, rollers, rollers, wheel loaders, excavators and a dozer.
Construction works pertaining to the camp site pad were also managed and delivered by Tremor.